1.the usa free school are called a)state schools b)puplic schools c)private schools 2.the education is compulsory between a)5 and 16 b)7 and 18 c)6 and 18 3.at elementary school a student spends a)either 5 or 8 years b)usually 3 years c)6 years 4.high schools provide a)bigher education b)elementary education c)secondary education 5.in the usa students a)do not take any exame b)do not take national exame c)always take thee scholastic aptitude test (sat) 6.the usa universitiesand colleges accept a)those students who have good sat results b)all the students c)those students who have passed entrance exams

Машkа Машkа    1   27.06.2019 20:20    0

maliarciuk533 maliarciuk533  22.07.2020 08:58
1.b) 2.c) 3.a) 4.c) 5.b) 6.a)
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