Only where possible rewrite the sentences using 's, s', or just an apostrophe ('). There is an example at the beginning (0) 0 This bicycle is for child.
This is a child's bicycle
1 This is a club for women.
2 This pen belongs to the teacher.
3 That's a job for a stewardess.
4 It's a school for girls.
5 That hat belongs to Doris.
6 It was work of seven years.
7 That's the leg of the table.
1. women's club
2. teacher's pen
3. stewardess' job
4. girls' school
5. Doris' hat
6. seven years' work
7. table's leg
последний вариант звучит немного странно, но я перепроверила, с неодушевлёнными предметами тоже можно использовать апостроф с. правила, запрещающего это делать, нет. посмотри какое правило вам давали.