Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets ( Заповнити пропуски , використовуючи Past Simple/Past Perfect )

I (worry) a lot about her before I

(hear) that she was safe.

After he (work) at the hospital for two years he (decide) to give up the job.

When I (arrive) at the party John already (go) home.

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous ( Доповнити речення , використовуючи Past Simple/Past Continuous )

Sally (eat) dinner last night when someone

(knock) the door.

I began to study at seven last night. Fred (come) at seven-thirty. I (study) when Fred (come).

My friend (call) me last night while I (watch) TV.

Complete the sentences with the reflexive pronoun( Закінчити речення , використовуючи зворотні займенники)

I didn’t buy the cake from the shop. I made it .

Margaret had a nice time in London. She enjoyed .

I want to know more about you. Tell me about .

IV. Write about your entertaining habits ( Написати твір за ситуацією. Завдання на 10- ів)
-how you usually spend your free time;
-what your favourite activity is;
-how often you go out with your friends;
-if you liked your last visit to the cinema/ theatre/ another city and what you saw.

McBlanse McBlanse    2   04.05.2020 17:20    4

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