1. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
I met my best friend Mary we were at primary school. I still
can't forget
day. That first WONDER
was terrible! She was everything that I wasn IMPRESS
't. She was 3.
and she was pretty. She was good BRAIN
at sport and 4.
about fashion, pop stars KNOW
and animals. I admired her 5.
At the same CREATE
time I was envious of her. However, in a short time something
happened, we became good friends and SURPRISE
this 7.
has lasted for years. In our adolescence RELATION
we have supported each other through 8.
problems. We were at each other's 9.
parties VARY
and then at each other's weddings. It's amazing but the ENGAGE
strength of our 10.
has grown from year FRIEND
to year.
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrasal verbs from the box. There is one
extra phrasal verb.
stick to
come up with wear off
work out
pick at
part with
11. Nobody could ... exactly how it happened.
12. They can't do what they want, there's a schedule to
13. He had to ... much of his collection to pay his gardening bills.
14. The vaccine can ... after 10
15. Next you
need to ... a name for your product.
3. Match the phrases with their definitions. There is one extra definition.

р6661 р6661    1   12.02.2021 11:58    1

happynik20021 happynik20021  14.03.2021 14:21

Прочтите текст ниже. Используйте слово, данное заглавными буквами, чтобы сформировать слово, подходящее для

разрыв в той же строке.


Я встретил свою лучшую подругу Мэри, когда мы учились в начальной школе. я по-прежнему

не могу забыть


день. Это фи

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