Write the opposite superlatives. 1) the most unfriendly - the friendliest
2) the most expensive
3) the most exciting
4) the most generous
5) the most patient
6) the loudest
7) the most crowded
8) the most hard-working​

Darina2581 Darina2581    3   12.04.2021 09:36    140

helppppme helppppme  24.01.2024 02:11
1) the unfriendliest - the friendliest: To form the opposite superlative, we need to change the word "unfriendly" to its opposite, which is "friendly." Then, we apply the superlative form by adding the prefix "the" and the suffix "-est" to the opposite word, resulting in "the friendliest."

2) the most expensive - the cheapest: To find the opposite of "expensive," we can use the word "cheap." By adding the prefix "the" and the suffix "-est" to the opposite word, we get "the cheapest."

3) the most exciting - the most boring: The opposite of "exciting" can be described as "boring." After applying the superlative form, we can say "the most boring."

4) the most generous - the stingiest: For the opposite of "generous," we have "stingy." To construct the superlative form, we add the prefix "the" and the suffix "-est," forming "the stingiest."

5) the most patient - the most impatient: "Patient" and its opposite "impatient" can be used here. The superlative form is "the most impatient."

6) the loudest - the quietest: To find the opposite of "loud," we can use "quiet." By adding the prefix "the" and the suffix "-est" to the opposite word, we obtain "the quietest."

7) the most crowded - the least crowded: The opposite of "crowded" can be described as "uncrowded" or "empty." However, in this case, we want to find the opposite superlative. Instead of adding the suffix "-est," we use the phrase "the least" to indicate the opposite superlative form. Thus, we can say "the least crowded."

8) the most hard-working - the laziest: "Hard-working" and "lazy" can be used as opposites. To form the opposite superlative, we add the prefix "the" and the suffix "-est," giving us "the laziest."

Remember, when forming opposite superlatives, it is important to consider the context and apply the appropriate word that represents the opposite meaning.
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