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The Liar
(by Leo Tolstoy)
A boy was watching the sheep and, pretending that he
a wolf, he began to cry:
'Help! A wolf! A wolf!'
People came running up and saw that 13
was not so. 14
doing so for the second and
then the third time, it happened that a wolf came
indeed. The boy began to cry:
'Come, come, quickly, a wolfl'
People thought that he was lying again as usual, and
paid no 15
to him. The wolf saw there
was no reason to be 16
: he easily killed
the whole flock.
1. after
2. it
3. afraid
4. saw
5. he
6. money
7. attention
12 13

СПИСК В ответе укажите цифры, под которыми значатся выбранныеВами слова. Два слова в этом списке лиш

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