- Английский язык
- с грамматикой Present
с грамматикой Present Perfect очень нужно !

Популярные вопросы
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- Впрямоугольный треугольник abc вписан квадрат aekm так, что точка k лежит на...
- Вромбе abcd со стороной a угол при вершине a равен 2пи/3, точки e и f лежат на...
- Взаимодействие пировиноградной кислоты с pcl5. назвать. ))...
- Найдите значение выражения -8- m*n-p: 0,25, если m =-2,4; n=-3,5; p =-17,6. заранее...
- Составить слово из 9 букв непероапн...
- Сумма вертикальных углов 180 градусов?...
- Бромная вода, которая содержала 43,2 г брома, полностью прореагировала с фенолом,...
1. the operating system had been upgraded by that time (past perfect)
the operating system will have been upgraded by that time (future perfect)
2. they hadn't detected the bugs by that time (past perfect)
they will not have detected the bugs by that time (future perfect)
3. had the flowchart been designed by that time ? (past perfect)
will the flowchart have been designed by that time ? (future perfect)
4. the charger had stopped walking by that time (past perfect)
the charger will have stopped walking by that time (future perfect)
5. had you defined the purpose of the program by that time ? (past perfect)
will you have defined the purpose of the program by that time ? (future perfect)
6. they had made my own website by that time (past perfect)
they will have made my own website by that time (future perfect)
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