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I. Legal practitioners. In the U.K, even more job titles are used in the field of law; there are barristers and solicitors, among others. However, by definition, each has a unique meaning. Between the two there are differences such as their training, their wages as well as their individual roles. Lawyers in the United Kingdom jurisdictions generally practice as solicitors in private firms, as legal advisers in corporations, government departments, and advice agencies, or as barristers. They can each do advocacy, draft legal documents and give written advice, but solicitors, unlike barristers, cannot appear in every court.
II. Traditionally, solicitors undertake work such as conveyancing, and drawing up contracts and wills. Conveyancing is the drafting of the documents necessary for the transfer of real property, such as deeds and mortgages. In some jurisdictions, all real estate transactions must be carried out by a lawyer or a solicitor where that distinction still exists. Barristers spend more time in court and have a right of audience in the higher courts. Unlike solicitors, barristers cannot usually be employed directly by clients but arc instructed by solicitors. Solicitors normally form partnerships with other solicitors and work in offices with support staff. The qualification and practice of solicitors are regulated by the Law Society.
III. Training. Sami, a 25 year-old graduate, is talking about his experience as a trainee. “My first degree was in engineering at Manchester University. Then I did two one-year law courses. The first led to the Common Professional Examination, or CPE; the second was the Legal Practice Course. I had a vacation placement at Applewood Branston, who offered me a two-year traineeship. They have a six seat system, which is quite common. Trainees spend time attached to different law departments, which suits me as I get a basic grounding in the main departments of the firm, helping me find which area of the law Id like to specialise in. I can work in four or more different areas of law for four months at a time and then decide on a specialism later in the training contract. In my third seat, in Corporate Finance, Ive learnt a lot from being on secondment with a client and got excellent back up from my seat supervisor, that is, supervising partner. It was good to put the professional skills training into practice straight away.”
IV. A partner in a law firm. Helene, from Monaco, is an avocat admitted to the Paris Bar – the professional association for lawyers. She graduated with a Bachelor of Law (LLB) in Paris and obtained a Master’s Degree (LLM) in European Law from University College, London. She is a graduate of the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques.
V. “I joined Applewood Branston two years ago and was promoted to partner in the corporate and banking team in Paris. Before that I worked for twelve years for other leading international law firms. I’ve got extensive experience of privatisations, mergers and acquisitions, and I advise investment banks and corporates.”
Перепишите в тетрадь и переведите письменно I часть текста.
Найдите слова в тексте к следующим определениям:
1. … performs trial work, especially in the higher courts, and does not deal directly with clients.
2. … speaks with clients, prepares documents and may appear as an advocate in a lower court.
3. … is a loan to finance the purchase of the house or flat.
ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из текста.
1. What kind of problems does a solicitor deal with?
2. What contracts do the clients have with solicitors?
3. What’s the difference between a solicitor and a barrister?
В какой части текста говорится:
1. об опыте, который получила Хелена, работая в ведущих зарубежных юридических фирмах?
2. о том, что юрисконсульты составляют акты передачи прав собственности на недвижимость, контракты и завещания?
3. О Парижской коллеги адвокатов?
Определите, является ли данное предложение: истинным, ложным или в тексте нет об этом информации.
1. Solicitors and barristers have the same duties and responsibilities.
2. Barristers work in court and have a right of audience in the higher courts.
3. The Legal Practice Course is of a practical nature and consist the students learning a variety of skills and techniques.
Определите основную идею текста.
1. Legal professionals in practice
2. Differences between barristers and solicitors.
3. Practice of the lawyers as solicitors.

rodoskinatanya rodoskinatanya    3   15.12.2021 17:20    35

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