Need verb Study Link Student's Book p.149 Vocabulary Bank
4 GRAMMAR can / can't (other uses)
a Match the sentences.
1 Can you turn on the light?
2 Can you speak more slowly?
3 Can you look for my keys?
4 Can you help me with this window?
5 Can you hurry, please?
6 Can you tell me your name again?
Study idea
1 Look at the Pro
Words to Learr
the stress is on
2 Underline the
column. Pract
3 Remember to
write down n
d I can't open it.
Y I can't see.
c I can't remember it.
d I can't find them.
e I can't understand you.
f I can't wait.
b Write a sentence with can or can't for each picture.
Can you answe
1 Can you pl
2. Can you
3 Can you
4 What spo
5 Can you
Study Link​

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