Fill in the gaps with the adjective, changing the form of the word. заполни пропуски прилагательными, изменив форму слова в правой колонке. if you like to produce new ideas and make 2) things with your hands, then we are waiting for you exactly! usually, fun if you can solve 3) problems well and like to have 4) duties. if you can find a common language with people, then you are welcome to our club! difficulty importance difference if you know a lot of 6) recipes and want to share them with 7) chefs or simply cannot cook yourself, then welcome to our club! our food is always finger-licking good! your food will be 8) too. wonder youth taste if you are 9) and 10) if you have already practised on the piano or guitar, then let you be in our band! create, music
Unusual, funny