Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1 The...
tried to hide the DVD under his
coat, but a police officer saw him. SHOPLIFT
2 Tom faced total...
when Fern told all their
friends about his lies. HUMILIATE
3 The...
got a four-year sentence for setting
fire to the department store. ARSON
4 Racial
is still a big problem in many
countries today. DISCRIMINATE
5 If you have ever downloaded music illegally, you have
committed online...

MarinaPanda1 MarinaPanda1    2   24.03.2021 00:23    2

andreyyurinp06nhg andreyyurinp06nhg  23.04.2021 01:23

1 shoplifter

2 humilated

3 arsonist

4 discrimination

5 piracy

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