Fill in the correct word derived from the words
in bold.
It's hard to imagine living without cash cards and ATMs
(automated teller machines). They allow us to make cash
1) (withdraw) quickly and easily without
entering a bank or needing the 2) (assist) of a
cashier. And nowadays, they can often also be used to
carry out other 3) (transact) such as paying
bills. However, there are risks involved in using cash cards
and ATM 4) (use) should take steps to keep
their 5) (save) secure. Firstly, you should never
give out your PIN number or account details. If a
6) (represent) from your bank calls you
and asks you for 7) (person)
information, make
sure they are who they say they
are before you give them any
details. Also, be very careful
when you use ATMs. Cover the
keypad with your hand when you
enter your PIN (personal
identification number) and look
out for people acting
8) (suspicious)...
close by​

svetlanaGB svetlanaGB    3   09.04.2020 16:30    232

АрикаКуцыстова АрикаКуцыстова  09.01.2024 23:18
Дорогой школьник,

В этом упражнении тебе нужно заполнить пропуски в предложениях словами, производными от слов, выделенных полужирным шрифтом. Давай разберем каждый пропуск по порядку, чтобы я мог помочь тебе найти правильные слова.

1) Чтобы получить деньги (withdraw) с карты или банкомата быстро и легко без похода в банк или без помощи (assist) кассира.
Ответ: withdrawal (снятие)

2) Без необходимости (assist) кассира.
Ответ: assistance (помощь)

3) Выполнять другие операции (transact), такие как оплата счетов.
Ответ: transactions (операции)

4) Риски, связанные с использованием карт и банкоматов.
Ответ: users (пользователи)

5) Пользователи должны предпринять шаги, чтобы сохранить (save) свою информацию в безопасности.
Ответ: savings (сбережения)

6) Если представитель (representative) из вашего банка позвонит вам.
Ответ: representative (представитель)

7) Запрос на предоставление (person) информации.
Ответ: personal (личные)

8) Посторонние люди, которые ведут себя (suspicious).
Ответ: suspiciously (подозрительно)

И так, вот цельное предложение с правильно заполненными словами:

"It's hard to imagine living without cash cards and ATMs (automated teller machines). They allow us to make cash withdrawal quickly and easily without entering a bank or needing the assistance of a cashier. And nowadays, they can often also be used to carry out other transactions such as paying bills. However, there are risks involved in using cash cards and ATM users should take steps to keep their savings secure. Firstly, you should never give out your PIN number or account details. If a representative from your bank calls you and asks you for personal information, make sure they are who they say they are before you give them any details. Also, be very careful when you use ATMs. Cover the keypad with your hand when you enter your PIN (personal identification number) and look out for people acting suspiciously... close by."

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