Answer the questions. 1. in your opinion, is pollution a very serious problem nowadays? 2. why has this problem become more important 11. what is the natural protector for our planet? what do you know about the destruction of the tropical forest? now? 3. what forms of pollution do you know? 4. what do you know about acid rains? what suffers from this type of pollution? 5. what do you know about the depletion of the 12. in you opinion, are nuclear power stations dan- gerous? nuclear power stations can cause a lot of trouble, can't they? why? what have you read or heard about the chernobyl catastro- phe? ozone layer? 13. which in your opinion is the most serious eco- 6. what does the ozone layer protect? 7. why is the ozone layer being damaged? 8. why are the ozone *holes" dangerous for the life on the earth? 9. why do we say that the seas are in danger? 10. what seas are in danger? logical problem? 14. why should people solve ecological problems as soon as possible? 15. what have people done in this direction? 16. what public organisations do you know which do much to preserve environment?