15 ! (отдал 30)

complete the sentences with don’t or doesn’t and one of the following verbs: go, ride, read, eat, play.

i like vegetables but i many fruit.

helen likes horses but she them because she is afraid.

my brother football because he prefers tennis.

we to school because we study at home.

peter fairy tales because he is old.


чтобы выполнить это , нужно уметь правильно составлять отрицательные предложения в present simple. вспомните разницу между глаголами do и does.


tell the time. скажите, который час.



чтобы выполнить это , нужно уметь определять время по часам и знать правила по теме «часы. время».

zizigi zizigi    1   07.12.2019 17:57    1

Anastasiay29 Anastasiay29  10.10.2020 19:10

I like vegetables but I don't eat many fruit.

Helen likes horses but she doesn't ride them because she is afraid.

My brother doesn't play football because he prefers tennis.

We don't go to school because we study at home.

Peter doesn't read fairy tales because he is old.

Tell the time:

1 It's half past four.

2  It's half past two.

3 It's (a) quarter to five.

4  It's half past nine.

5 It's two o'clock.

6 It's eleven o'clock.

7 It's six o'clock.

8 It's (a) quarter past twelve.

9 It's five o'clock.

Объяснение: В некоторых учебниках "четверть часа-quarter" даётся с артиклем "а",в других учебниках артикль "а" не ставится. Поэтому я поставила артикль "а" в скобках.Сверьтесь с вашим учебником.

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