1. выберите нужное: please give me … interesting to read. 1) anything 2) everything 3) nothing 4) something 2. выберите нужное: excuse me, is it your book? no, it’s … . 1) him 2) his 3) her 4) their 3. выберите нужное: everest is … mountain in the world. 1) higher 2) the highest 3) a high 4) the most high 4. выберите нужное: she speaks … english. 1) perfectly 2) perfect 3) more perfect 4) most perfect 5. выберите нужное: can you play … the guitar? 1) on 2) at 3) – 4) in

Krikaiz Krikaiz    2   26.07.2019 11:50    2

GMA111111 GMA111111  25.08.2020 14:24
1 something 2 his 3 the highest 4 perfect 5 -
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