Написать сочинение на тему " твой идеальный день на каникулах" если можно, то на . а так нужно 15-20 предложений

narutoluffi1 narutoluffi1    3   02.07.2019 22:50    0

holil070707325 holil070707325  26.07.2020 23:59
Try it it's easy for example I was in the summer in the Crimea and laughed and ate ice cream bathed went to the cafe played ran jumped
yaxoroshiy1 yaxoroshiy1  26.07.2020 23:59
My holidays were great!But I like one day most of all,because it was the best day of these holidays.In this day I swam in the river,walked in the forest,helped my granny to make fruit jam,play with my friends in different games, for example hide and seek.At the end of the day I was so tired,but I like this day most of all!
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