Сделайте сочинение про какую нибудь достопримечательность оренбурга или просто про оренбург буду !

sa66 sa66    2   23.05.2019 10:20    3

CERRY050505 CERRY050505  19.06.2020 02:17
Build Orenburg as the city-fortress-Outpost and hack another window in the East Asian countries ordered by Empress Anna Ioannovna. The first seekers site of the future city of Orenburg were prominent, smart people: И.И.Неплюев, И.К.Кирилов, V.N.Tatischev and В.А.Урусов. The city of Orenburg was three times: first, in 1735 on the site of the present town of Orsk on the river Confluence, the second time in 1740 at red mountain. The place of the current Orenburg over the river Yaik chose Неплюев and in 1743 founded the town. In 1744 Неплюев became the first Governor of the vast and необжитого the Orenburg region, which successfully ran for almost 15 years!
Recently our city celebrated its 265 years. Now Orenburg is a major industrial and cultural centers of the Volga-Urals region. In each district has gardens, parks, squares, fountains, stadiums.
Like any other city of the world, in Orenburg large number of attractions. And I'll tell you only about some of them.
The Ural river, which flows through Orenburg, is the border between Europe and Asia. And in 1982 built the bridge over the river, which connects Europe and Asia and opens citizens path in Зауральную grove. On the right Bank of the Ural river is a children's railway to the camp of rest «Dubki».
One of the attractions of Orenburg is a gazebo rotunda, which was built in the late 20-ies of the 19th century with the participation of the military Governor П.К.Эссена and initially installed in Зауральной grove. Currently renovated, the rotunda is located in the Lenin square, embellished the green area of the city.
Near the gazebo is Orenburg regional Museum of Fine arts. In the past, this building was the City Duma, then air force headquarters of the South-Ural military district.
The most important place in Orenburg is the House of Soviets. This building of the regional Legislative Assembly and the government of the Orenburg region. In 1895, the site was consecrated Kazan Cathedral, which was destroyed in 1936. In the early 50's here laid square - the favorite place of rest of the townspeople, including my own.
Also Orenburg famous for its downy kerchiefs, fresh and tasty bread and gas deposits.
Everything in the city surrounds us: the old and the new - made by our ancestors and now living оренбуржцами who lovingly created this miracle.
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