Создать блок схему по готовой программе из visual basic

sub pr1()
dim y as single, x as single, z as single, sum1 as single, sum2 as single, i as integer
i = 2

for x = 1.5 to 2.5 step 0.1
z = sin(x) * cos(x)
y = sqr(x + 1.7) - 0.5 * x
i = i + 1

if z < 1 then
sum1 = sum1 + z
end if

if y > 1 and y < 3 then
sum2 = sum2 + y
end if

sheets("лист1").cells(i, 1) = i
sheets("лист1").cells(i, 2) = y
sheets("лист1").cells(i, 3) = z

next x

sheets("лист1").cells(3, 4) = sum1
sheets("лист1").cells(3, 5) = sum2

end sub

nesso nesso    1   06.11.2019 18:08    3

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