Отсортировать слова в порядке лексикографического возрастания и в качестве ответа вывести слово, находящееся ровно посередине (медиану массива). количество слов нечетно. sam is a multi-file text editor based on structural regular expressions it was originally designed in the early 1980s at bell labs by rob pike with the help of ken thompson and other unix developers for the blit windowing terminal running on unix it was later ported to other systems sam follows a classical modular unix aesthetic it is internally simple its power leveraged by the composability of a small command language and extensibility through shell integration

Marlie Marlie    2   01.08.2019 04:20    205

sinocek1 sinocek1  29.09.2020 01:15
Print(sorted("Sam is a multi-file text editor based on structural regular expressions It was originally designed in the early 1980s at Bell Labs by Rob Pike with the help of Ken Thompson and other Unix developers for the Blit windowing terminal running on Unix it was later ported to other systems Sam follows a classical modular Unix aesthetic It is internally simple its power leveraged by the composability of a small command language and extensibility through shell integration".split())[39])
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