1. Create a class called Cat. 2. Give it attributes for name, color, and weight.
3. Give it a method called meow.

FlowerBlue17 FlowerBlue17    1   15.05.2021 08:17    0

дима0951871812 дима0951871812  14.06.2021 08:18

class Cat:

   def __init__(self, name, color, weight):

       self.name = name

       self.color = color

       self.weight = weight

   def meow(self):

       print("Cat name: " + self.name, "\nCat color: " + self.color, "\nCat weight: " + self.weight)

cat = Cat("Bella", "A grey striped tabby", "4.5 kg")


1. Create a class called Cat. 2. Give it attributes for name, color, and weight. 3. Give it a method
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