8. LUF Write. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.
The Christmas Present
Ann really (1) (to want) a new mobile phone for Christmas
Ann (2) (to ask) her parents if she could have it. And ther
(3) (to say), "No, Santa has to get it for you".
On Christmas morning all the presents (4) (to be) under
the tree.
Ann asked, "(5) (to be) it that I wanted?"
Her mum and dad said, "You'll have to open it and find out."
So the last present Ann opened (6) (to be) the best one
When she (7) (to open) it she (8) (to scream) in happi-
ness, “Wow! It's great!" and (9) (to dance) around the house
That (10) (to be) her new mobile telephone and the best
Christmas of her life.​

Vzinko42 Vzinko42    1   30.04.2020 10:28    0

alenna2003 alenna2003  14.10.2020 04:17
to dancewas


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