человек, прыгая на батуте, может подлетать довольно высоко. При этом в высшей точке траектории ключи и прочне предметы, лежашие в карманах,перестают давить на него.
1. You’ll succeed if you don’t work hard. (never) . 2. I have finished my homework, but not quite. (almost) . 3. She is coming to the party. (definitely) . 4. You behaved yesterday. I’m ashamed of you. (very badly) . 5. They love each other. (passionately) . 6. I don’t like her. (really) . 7. He earns $10,000 a year. (only) . 8. He always wears a jumper in summer. (even) . 9. The water isn’t warm to go swimming. (enough) . 10. It’s cold for me. (too/ much) . Всего ответов: 3. ... Put the words in the correct order. 1)the, rita, planting flowers, is, in, garden? 2)bed, parents, to, go, never, early, my. 3)dinner, what time, have, do, usually, you? 4)do, o(запятая вверху)clock, get, up, sundays, at, seven, they, not, on