Text A On Higher Education
Nobody doubts these days that progress in the world depends on progress in education, higher education in particular.
In Britain, for example, about 71 per cent of pupils continue study¬ing after the age of 16. The proportion of young people entering universities1 has risen from one in eight in 1980 to almost about one in three at present.
English universities usually consist of colleges. The academic year is divided into three terms. The course lasts three or four years, depending on the subject area: arts, science, law, engineering, medicine, social sci¬ences. The structure of courses does not differ from Russian courses in size of groups, methods of teaching and close relationships with teach¬ers. Methods of assessment differ from university to university but all British students have to undergo lengthy written examinations.
Conditions of student life in Britain differ from those2 in Russia.
The English3 assume that anyone from age eighteen is an indepen¬dent being capable of making up his or her own mind and capable of looking after himself or herself. As a rule, English students try to live away from home. Like Russian students, English students receive a grant from the state for the expenses of daily living. The level of the grant depends on the income of the student and of the student's parents. Besides, students can take out a special student loan which they do not have to repay until they are earning. Loans are not means-tested4. In the opinion of the English there is one more obvious difference be¬tween British and Russian students, however. Traditionally, there has always been an enormous amount of amateur and voluntary work in Britain. It takes place in universities as well: playing in the university band, taking part in athletics or football, running university newspa¬pers, helping the disabled and pensioners, participating in local and national voluntary groups and societies.
There is a widespread opinion that conditions may be different but goals of getting higher education are the same everywhere. Many peo¬ple admit that for the majority of young people today success in life is measured in terms of the money young people earn. This materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education. Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake5. They want to obtain prestigious diplomas to get higher wages and advancement.
Notes on the Text
1 The proportion of young people entering universities ... — Доля молодых людей, , поступающих в университеты ... (Entering — причастие I)
2 those - слово-заменитель, употреблено вместо слова conditions
3 The English - англичане
4 Loans are not means-tested.
Ссуды предоставляются студентам без проверки их материального положения.
5 ... acquire knowledge only for its own sake. -... приобретают знания ради знаний.
Vocabulary List
challenge n — сложная задача, проблема; accomplishment n — свершение; higher education — высшее образование; doubt v — сомневаться; progress n — прогресс, движение впе¬ред, продвижение; depend (on) v — зависеть (от); in particular - в частности; proportion n — доля; rise (rose, risen) v - подниматься, уве¬личиваться; consist of v — состоять (из); divide (into) v - делить на части; arts n — зд. гуманитарные науки; law n - право, юриспруденция; engineering n — техника, машиностроение; medicine n – медицина; social sciences - общественные науки; differ v — отличаться, различаться; assessment n — оценка (зд. знаний); to undergo an examination — подверг¬нуться экзамену; assume v—зд. допускать, предполагать; being n — существо, человек принять решение; grant n — стипендия; expenses n — расходы; income n — доход; repay v — выплачивать, погашать; earn v — зарабатывать; obvious adj – очевидный; voluntary work — добровольная работа; band n — оркестр; athletics n — атлетика, занятие спортом; to run a newspaper - выпускать газету; the disabled n – инвалиды; widespread adj — широко распростра¬ненный; goal n – цель; admit v — зд. признавать, допускать; measure v — измерять; outlook n - взгляд (на что-либо), точ¬ка зрения; influence v - влиять (на); acquire knowledge — приобретать знания; advancement n - продвижение по службе.
• Read Text A and give answers to the questions. Use the following expressions to begin your answers:
The text/ story tells the readers ...; If I got it right ...; I suppose ...; It seems to me ...; I think...; In my opinion ...; I'm certain that...;
1. What does progress in the world depend on?
2. What trend (тенденция) in education has taken place in the world since the 1980s?
3. How is teaching arranged in British universities?
4. How do conditions of student life in Britain differ from those in Russia?
5. Why do young people want to obtain prestigious diplomas?

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