Запишите формулы кислот по их названиям: бромидна, сульфидная, азотная, хло Ридна, силикатный, ортофосфатной, сульфитная, фторидная

apomat1234 apomat1234    2   17.04.2019 01:20    2

Wwwoxanap2013 Wwwoxanap2013  07.06.2020 05:56
Does John get up at 6 o'clock in the morning?
Is his offise near the metro station?
Did her friend live in London?
Shall we have dinner at home?
Has she already bought a new dress?
igarsuper1 igarsuper1  07.06.2020 05:56
1)Does John get up at 6 o'clock?
2)Is the metro station near his office?
3)Did her friend live in London?
4)Shall we have dinner at home?
5)Has she already bought a new dress?
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