Закону РФ «Об образовании» соответствует следующая классификация образовательных учреждений:

karikovt karikovt    3   17.04.2019 07:30    24

gunelmustafaeva gunelmustafaeva  07.06.2020 11:15
1. We understand that it will never return
2. I was absolutely sure that he will never refuse such nn chulesnogo offers.
3. It boitsy that her son did not go to university
4. I know that everyone will like my new dress
5. It seemed to me that they will call us 7
6. I hope that I will see them in a month
7. He dreamed that within a week he would Leda on the beach
8. The doctor does not think that these drugs can help you
9. Are you sure that you will enjoy a vacation for a month?
10. He thought that he would sign all documents up to eleven
11. No one knew we were going to do during the day
12. How many of you believe that the concert will start on time?
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