В истории есть факт, когда по приказу древнего правителя кнутами было выпорото море. "О ты, горькая влага Геллеспонта! Вот тебе от нашего

СлаваКпсс11 СлаваКпсс11    1   17.04.2019 00:40    1

minikotik322 minikotik322  31.05.2020 09:01

first date

Oh, I think it will be so marvellouse. We will go to the park and walk and talk a lot. We will have good time together, we will have kisses and a lot of romantic things. At all we wiil remember this date for a long time. I will be like a princess: in the beautifull dress, with wonderfull chain or something else. And I will be the most impossible happy girl on the WORLFD! I think, that my first date will be very amusing. 

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