В 21 ч со станции отправился поезд со скоростью 72 км/ч. В 3 ч ночи он сделал остановку. Сколько километров поезд до этой остановки?

Adik2281 Adik2281    3   17.04.2019 06:00    7

Snzjxj Snzjxj  06.06.2020 00:18
1) Look at all those dirty dishes. You haven't washed them
2) I don't think I can pass the exam. I haven't studied hard
3) Did your hear that noise? Someone has screamed.
sona673 sona673  06.06.2020 00:18
1) Look at all those dirty dishes. You haven't washed them yet.
2) I don't think I can pass the exam. I haven't studied hard this year.
3) Did your hear that noise? Someone has just screamed.
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