Три насоси викачали 115 л води з басейну. Перший і другий насоси разом викачали 72 л, а перший і третій разом - 67 л. Скільки літрів води викачав кожний насос окремо?

primarina2000p09pnc primarina2000p09pnc    3   17.04.2019 01:10    4

kosarymova kosarymova  31.05.2020 23:26
1. Of course, I do. Actually, I think that everybody remembers, because this day is one of the most important days at person's life. We meet our new friends, our first teachers, we see our classroom for the first time... You may forget some views, words or actions but you will never forget your emotions, because they are so strong!
2. Well, as I've already said, when I've answered the first question, I think, that everybody remembers this day, either does my classmate [сюда вставить имя].
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