Составь все возможные трёхзначные числа из цифр 3, 9, 0, если: а) цифры в записи числа не повторяются; б) цифры в записи числа могут повторяться.

GreenDiamonds GreenDiamonds    2   17.04.2019 00:50    10

deniskalopatin deniskalopatin  31.05.2020 13:05


1.what is ringing now?

2.what are puttings your little sisters now into the box? where are your little sisters putting their toys?

3.where is standing Bab?what under is standing Bab?

4.what are gathering your parents in the wood now?



 5.what is buying Dave in the shop now?

where is Dave buying an ice-cream now?

6.What are you and your Granny making in the kitchen now?where are you and your Granny making jam?

7.What are you opening now?

8.what is cooking mother in the kitchen now?

where is mother cooking fish-soup?

9.what are writting the pupils?




















ala4ka ala4ka  31.05.2020 13:05

1.What is ringing now?

2.What are my sisters putting into the box now? Where are my sisters putting their toys now?

3.What is standing under a tree now? Where is Bab standing now?

4.What are my parents gathering in the wood now?

5.What is Dave buying in the shop now? Where is Dave buying an ice cream now?

6.What are my Granny and I making in the kitchen now? Where are we making jam now?

7.What am I opening now?

8.Where is my mother cooking fish-soup now? What is my mother cooking in the kitchen now?

9.What are the pupils writing now?

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