Say in which section of the supermarket we can find the products on the shopping list dairy • bakery • meat & poultry • seafood • fruit & vegetables

11Sone44ka11 11Sone44ka11    1   17.04.2019 04:00    3

Киря0001 Киря0001  17.04.2019 04:00
Milk and eggs are in the dairy section. — Молоко и яйца в секции молочных продуктов

Bread is in the bakery section. — Хлеб — в секции хлебобулочных изделий

Meat and chicken are in the meat & poultry section. — Мясо и курица — в секции «мясо и курица»

Fish is in the seafood section. — Рыба — в секции морепродуктов

Carrots, potatoes and apples are in the fruit & vegetable section. — Морковь, картошка, яблоки — в секции фрукты и овощи
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