Read the text. Find ten misspelled words and circle them. Then write the correct spelling on the
numbered lines below. There is an example.
I'd like to start this email by officielly erninding everyone that the content of the attached report is
highly confedential, so please ensure that you do not discuss it with anyone. We want to elimminate
any sources of possible information leaks. The report provides a comprihensive overview of the
project we have been working on, as well as a lot of statitsical data that we do not want to share at
this stage. I cannot overemphasize the implikations of a potential leak, and am sure that you will all
be suportive of my request.
If you want to seek clarificeition on any of the points, please contact me directly, I will be happy to
answer any questions. I would also ask that everyone acknoledges safe receipt of this email, and
signs the attached declaretion.
Yours respectfuly, John Smith
Example: __officially​

Alya12311 Alya12311    1   12.05.2020 08:45    6

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