Рассмотрите опорный материал. Какие три времени имеет глагол в изъявительном наклонении? Что показывает время глагола?

sashanepasha sashanepasha    2   17.04.2019 05:30    4

blondi29 blondi29  05.06.2020 12:54
1 George has taken up riding. His horse is called Tilly.
2 You know we arranged to see a film this evening? Well, I'm not backing out but can we go next week?
3 We have set up Laura's new computer in her room
as a surprise for her when she comes home.

4 I'm afraid of exams and I just can't go through with the
maths exam today. Sorry!
5 David, please put on an,old pair of jeans before
you work on your motorbike.
6 Mrs Malone is a very good teacher. She can always get across 
new information.
7 How long have you been into bungee jumping?
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