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upvchasro upvchasro    1   16.04.2019 23:20    44

borisovaekaterina15 borisovaekaterina15  30.05.2020 05:44
1. He sang almost in all countries of Europe.

Общий: Did he sing almost in all countries of Europe?
Разделительный: He sang almost in all countries of Europe, didn't he?
Альтернативный: Did he sing or dance almost in all countries of Europe?
Специальный: What did he do almost in all countries of Euorpe?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who sang almost in all countries of Europe?

2. He went to the farm and asked the farmer to fix it.

Общий: Did he go to the farm and ask the farmer to fix it?
Разделительный: He went to the farm and asked the farmer to fix it, didn't he?
Альтернативный: Did he go to the farm or to the working shop and asked the farmer to fix it?
Специальный: Whom did he ask to fix it?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who went to the farm and asked the farmer to fix it?
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