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most pregnancies go well and without any major problems. but it is wise to reduce any risks as much as possible. so, a reminder of things to consider before becoming pregnant, or as soon as you realize that you are


• take foiic acid tablets before you get pregnant until 12 weeks of pregnancy;

• have a blood test to check if you are immune to rubella and to screen for hepatitis b, syphilis, and hiv. ask your practice nurse to do this;

• eat a healthy diet. include foods rich in iron, calcium, and folic acid;

• wash your hands after handling raw meat;

- wear gloves when you are gardening. avoid

• eating undercooked meat or eggs, soft cheese, pate, shellfish, raw fish, or unpasteurized milk;

• fish which may contain a lot of mercury - shark, marlin, swordfish, or excess tuna;

• cat feces, which may carry certain infections, such as toxoplasmosis;

• peanuts - if you have a personal or family history of eczema, hay fever or asthma;

• too much caffeine in tea, coffee, cola, etc. have no more than 300 mg per day. this is in about three cups of brewed coffee, or four cups of instant coffee, or six cups of tea.


• drinking alcohol - you are strongly advised not to drink at all;

• smoking - you are strongly advised to stop completely;

• using street drugs - you are strongly advised to stop completely. think about

• immunization against hepatitis в if you are at increased risk of getting this infection;

- immunization against chickenpox if you are a healthcare worker and have not previously had chickenpox and so are not immune;

• whether to continue with herbal and over-the-counter medicines;

• your work environment - is it safe?

• medical conditions in yourself, or conditions which run in your family.


discuss the questions with a partner.

did any of the pieces of advice surprise you?

do you know of any other advice that is not included here?

- in your country, what foods do pregnant women eat to help their baby develop healthily?

mishustinat mishustinat    1   26.09.2019 16:27    13

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