Периметр трикутника ABC, описаного навколо кола, дорівнює 52 см. Точка дотику кола до сторони АВ ділить цю сторону у відношенні 2 : 3, рахуючи від

zac00 zac00    2   17.04.2019 01:10    11

хома79 хома79  31.05.2020 22:21
1. Where were you yesterday?
2.I've been working on this problem for three months
3.Three months ago, i was working on this problem.
4.I worked on this problem from 3 to 5 pm
5/On always works well.
6. Tomorrow he will be working on the problem.
7. Tomorrow at three in the morning they will be working on the problem.
8. Tomorrow at three o'clock they finish work on the problem.
9. The following week, at three o'clock he will transfer half of the article.

И в таком варианте
1. Where were you yesterday?
2. I work on this problem already three months.
3. Three months back I worked on this problem.
4. I worked on this problem from 3 to 5 evening.
5. He always works well.
6. Tomorrow he will work on this problem.
7. Tomorrow at three o'clock of night they will work on this problem.
8. Tomorrow to three hours they will finish to work on this problem.
9. Next week to three hours he will translate the half of the article already.
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