1. does write - present indef. 3 лицо, ед.ч. Инфинитив - to write 2. Did not go - past indef. Инфинитив - to go 3. Will go - future indef. Инфинитив - to go 4. Comes - как в 1, инфинитив - to come 5. Shall prepare - как в 3, инфинитив - to prepare 6. Are doing - present cont. Инфинитив - to do 7. Were listening - past cont., инфинитив - to listen 8. Am not watching, am listening - как в 6, инфинитив - to watch, to listen 9. Will be doing - future cont, инфинитив - to do
2. Did not go - past indef. Инфинитив - to go
3. Will go - future indef. Инфинитив - to go
4. Comes - как в 1, инфинитив - to come
5. Shall prepare - как в 3, инфинитив - to prepare
6. Are doing - present cont. Инфинитив - to do
7. Were listening - past cont., инфинитив - to listen
8. Am not watching, am listening - как в 6, инфинитив - to watch, to listen
9. Will be doing - future cont, инфинитив - to do