Налейте в калориметр 150—180 мл воды комнатной температуры, измерьте ее массу. Значения объема и массы занесите в таблицу.

chepelenkosivun chepelenkosivun    3   17.04.2019 02:40    15

covik332 covik332  02.06.2020 19:05
Winter - one of the four seasons of the year, between autumn and spring.The main feature of this time of year - a steady low temperature (below 0 degrees Celsius), in many parts of the Earth falls and falls to the surface snow.
Spring - a transitional season when daylight hours increase significantly, increased ambient temperature and activates the natural activity of living creatures and plants.
Summer - one of the four seasons, between spring and autumn, characterized by the highest ambient temperature.
Autumn - transitional season when daylight hours decrease markedly and progressively decreases the temperature of the environment.
fedivvasil19 fedivvasil19  02.06.2020 19:05
Summer is the warmest time of year street shines the sun. clear sky. it includes three months of June, July, August. in autumn it gets cold. the leaves are falling down. it rains frequently. it includes the three months to September, October and November. But in winter it is very cold. the temperature falls up to-30 and it's snowing. it includes also three months of December, January, February. in the spring of all melts. go streams. the trees buds swell and everything blooms. it comprises three months March, April, may.
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