Здравствуйте, можете с заданием Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.

Thank you. You’ve been most . (help)
Thank you. You’ve been most helpful.

1 I’m sorry to tell you that your application has been . (success)

2 Peter is very and often makes silly mistakes. (care)

3 I found that programme really . In fact, I almost fell asleep a couple of times. (interest)

4 People often my name because it’s quite unusual. (pronounce)

5 I had an time at the party because lots of my old friends were there. (enjoy)

riaskor riaskor    1   13.01.2021 13:37    1

AnastasiaBA AnastasiaBA  12.02.2021 13:42

1) successful

2) carefully

3) interesting

4) pronouncing

5) enjoying

ну вроде так но не точно

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