Заполните пропуски предлогами: 1) there are too many people … the bus. i want to go … taxi. 2) it is too hot to be … the sun at noon. 3) don't go … there! 4) go … the mirror and have a look … yourself. 5) put that book … here. 6) whose copy-books are … the table? 7) put … the spoons … those white cups. 8) bob, go … the table and sit …, please. 9) ben, open your book … page six. 10) i haven't heard … him for ages. he went … canada two years ago, but i don't know if he is … canada now or somewhere else.

TonyX2 TonyX2    2   24.06.2019 02:40    2

юлия1628 юлия1628  02.10.2020 09:51
1. in, by
2. in
3. -
4. to, at
5. -
6. on
7. on, for
8. to, down
9. on
10. from, to, in
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