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Education is ...
from the ages of five to sixteen. In Britain we have two main types of schools. We have state schools and private schools or independent schools. A state school is a school that's free. It's ...
funded. The other type of school is a private school or independent school. These are fee paying schools. In addition to private schools or independent schools there are also ...
schools. These are a group of schools that are the most expensive, the most elite. Primary school is the first school children will go to. Then they will go to ...
school. In most places in Britain you go to a comprehensive school. In some places we use the system of grammar schools and secondary moderns. Now a
school is generally more academic whereas a secondary modern is more vocational. When children get to sixteen that's when they do their first ...
Teens can continue with school or start ...
or do something else. So between the ages of sixteen and eighteen teens have something called sixth form. These are the top two years of the school. Teens can choose to stay in their secondary school but we also have something called a college or a sixth form college. In Britain there are a number of faith schools. These are schools that are connected to a ...
. Many students then go on to university. Now at a university in Britain students choose one ...
subject. And a bachelor's degree or an undergraduate degree takes three years. However in ...
it is a four year degree. And at the end of your course you take something called your finals.

rahmaevrail201 rahmaevrail201    3   08.04.2020 20:46    27

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