Заполните пробелы союзными словами,
приведенными ниже.

although, despite, however, whereas, yet, because, in spite of, yet

1. My friend Jane has just bought herself some new shoes she already has some 20 pairs.

2. We decided to walk from coast to coast our lack of training.

3. Giving up was not an issue the situation got more confusing by the day.

4. The children behaved like angels the long drive and the hot weather.

5. The hotel wasn’t really idyllic , we had a great time there.

6. I love cycling my wife prefers walking.

7. the weather forecast spoke of wind and rain, we really enjoyed a warm and sunny afternoon.

8. I don’t really believe everything he says , I thoroughly enjoy being with him.

BanderSap BanderSap    3   24.11.2020 13:53    18

v1k2 v1k2  24.11.2020 14:00
Ғаншызымың етемін әрбір сүрде балады?
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