1.the meeting (началось) at 5 o’ clock. a) were beginning; b) was beginning; c) began; d) begin; e) to begin; 2. at 5 o’clock yesterday i (ехал) to the station to catch the 5.15 train. a) was going; b) was gone; c) went; d) were going; e) gone; 3. when the academic year (закончится) we shall go to the country. a) is over; b) will be over; c) will been over; d) be over; e) to be over; 4. our family … next summer at the seaside. will spend; b) will spent; c) will to spend; d) shall spent; e) shall spend; 5. when i came home my parents … . were watching tv; b) will watch tv; c) are watching tv; d) watch tv; e) watched tv; 6. look out! you … to hit the child! a) are go; b) were going; c) are going; d) will; e) going; add the sentences: 7. i … going to visit trafalgar square. i like sightseeing. a) was; b) are; c) is; d) am; e) been; 8. be careful! that horse … kick you. a) is going to; b) was going to; c) going; d) would; e) going to; 9. look at the sky! it to snow. a) is not going; b) were going; c) was going; d) are going; e) am going; 10.the weather … to change. look at the clouds! a) were going; b) to going; c) is going; d) was going; e) will; 11. we … to invite our neighbours to our wedding anniversary. a) going; b) am going; c) is going; d) was going; e) are going; 12. you'd better take your umbrella. it …to rain. a) is going; b) was going; c) be going; d) are going; e) am going; 13. choose the right sentence: a) i will always remember my school. b) i will remember always my school. c) always i will remember my school. d) i will remember my school always. e) i always will remember my school. choose the right variant: 14. people in kazakhstan celebrate … on march 22. а)republic day; b) nauryz; c) longest day of the year; d) independence day; e) constitution day; 15. what is big ben? а) clock; b) museum; c) theatre; d) university; e) monument;

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sw321 sw321  09.10.2020 14:16
















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