Заполните предложения. используйте слова: another, other, the other, others, the others. 1) yesterday morning i met two girls. one was matilda but i didn't know girl. 2) where are the children? - john went to play football, went with him. 3) there are three cakes on the plate. i'd like to have one and you may take . 4) there are two cakes on the plate. i'd like to have one and you may . 5) this pencil belongs to betty, pencil is mine. 6) i am still hungry. may i have sandwich, please? 7) some people like it when it is hot, like it when it is not. 8) jane's house is on side of the street. 9) some books are better than . 10) we must all know this. i'll call ann. will you tell 11) come day. 12) i wanted to spend our holidays in california but roland had ideas. 13) not now. we'll talk about it some time. 14) one of the children was rob, what boy's name? 15) one boy fell off his chair and all laughed.

Anna14124 Anna14124    3   10.07.2019 19:00    4

enterways enterways  19.08.2020 08:24
1. Another
2. The others
3. Others
4. Another
5. The other
6. Another
7. Others
8. The other
9. Others
10. The others
11. Another
12. Other
13. Other
14. The other
15. Others
nalimovshurik nalimovshurik  19.08.2020 08:24
1. another
2. others
3. the others
4. another
5. the others
6. other
7. others
8. another
9,. the others
10. another.
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