ЗАДАНИЕ:Написать письмо в ООН.Спросите их, почему они так невероятно слабы,реагируя на конфликтные ситуации в мире,критикуй их.Подкрепите своё письмо аргументами и фактами из истории миротворческих операций ООН на английском надо написать...)
Since the very foundation the UNO has been a source of constant chaos all over the world. And I would like to ask a question to whom it may concern in this organisation - why are you so weak? So corrupted? You have been involved in many conflicts including war. For example, the interest in Israeli-Palrstine conflict led to human rights violations and increase in the conflict. You also had allegations in antisemitism. Then, remember your failure in Sri Lanka war in 2009. I suppose it is high time to stop financing such a vain organisation or reorganise it some other way with more controlling points. Best regards.
Since the very foundation the UNO has been a source of constant chaos all over the world. And I would like to ask a question to whom it may concern in this organisation - why are you so weak? So corrupted? You have been involved in many conflicts including war. For example, the interest in Israeli-Palrstine conflict led to human rights violations and increase in the conflict. You also had allegations in antisemitism. Then, remember your failure in Sri Lanka war in 2009. I suppose it is high time to stop financing such a vain organisation or reorganise it some other way with more controlling points. Best regards.