Задание 1. Прочитайте, переведите устно текст. A DEAL AS THE BASIS OF ECONOMIC RELATIONS
A Deal is the basis of economic relations. A Deal is an agreement (contract) between two or more economic market entities, individuals and legal entities in any form.
The subject of an agreement, which is embedded in the concept of a transaction, can be anything. Most often, this is a contract for the purchase and sale of any property or goods, for the provision of certain services, for the purchase and sale of securities, for joint production or the provision of loans, as well as a huge number of other economic and trade interactions between economic market participants.
The main goal of the agreement is to achieve mutually beneficial conditions for commodity and monetary interaction for all parties to the agreement.
Задание 2. Составьте тематический англо-русский словарь по теме «Коммерческая сделка» на основе прочитанного (не менее 15 слов).