3 For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. Use the articles a and the more than once.

A day in Spain
The morning in Spain lasts (0) until two o’clock, when it is time for lunch. After that there’s (1) siesta and the afternoon begins at about five o’clock. At eight o’clock people begin thinking about having (2) drink and so the evening begins. Dinner is served from nine o’clock and the evening may continue well into the night.
There’s no town, large or small, without (3) main square and it is (4) great public festivities take place. (5) square is the heart of community life. In the past, the entrances to the square used to (6) blocked so that it could serve as a bullring, something which is still done (7) villages where they do not have own bullring.
In the cities, bars are popular meeting places where one goes for (8) aperitif at lunch-time, to drink a glass (9) wine with friends and to try the tapas, which may be anything (10) olives to seafood. After work comes the tertulia or informal club hour (11) men gather and, (12) a glass of wine, discuss (13) news, politics and football or tell jokes. The end of the afternoon is (14) people often have a cup of chocolate or, in summer, (15) refreshing, cold drink and churros: delicious, twisted fritters.

4 For questions 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (+). If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word.

An international summer camp
___of__0 For the last few of years, my children have been going to a summer camp
00 in northern Greece called Skouras Camp. They always seem to have a
1 good time, so if you’re wondering what to do with the kids for three
2 weeks this summer, you could do worse than send them up to this
3 beautiful camp on the shores of the Aegean Sea. If your children, like
4 mine, are keen on adventure, sports and good company, the Skouras
5 Camp will keep them busy all day doing the things they most enjoy them.
6 Skouras is an international camp with our children from all over the
7 world. My children have made friends with children of their own age from
8 Poland, China, Denmark and the USA. Naturally they do get lots
9 of opportunities to practice their English as English is the only language spoken.
10 The Camp it is located in one of the most beautiful parts of Chalkidiki. It is
11 and huge (120 000 square metres) and is just a stone’s throw away from the clear,
12 blue Aegean Sea. It takes the children just five minutes to walk to the golden,
13 sandy beach on the foot. The programme is packed with exciting activities for
14 children. Apart from the usual water sports, my kids favourite activities are horse
15 riding and table tennis. Other sports include basketball, volleyball and athletics.
The Camp ends with a sports contest in the last week which all parents are
invited to attend.

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