Write questions for the sentences below. The words in bold should be the answers. e.g. Josh left the window open. – Who left the window open? (Subject question – питання до підмета)
e.g. Chris saved a little girl. – Who did Chris save? (Object question – питання до додатку)

1) Ann typed the letters.
2) Kate speaks five languages.
3) Claire likes eating.
4) Jenny likes Spain.
5) He shouted at Jim.
6) The farmer was chasing the fox.
7) Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
8) She hates strawberries.
9) Steven has no patience.
10) Sally loves driving her car.
11) Trevor hit James.
12) Tom went out with Tim.
13) Jack has read a detective story.
14) Walter stole a wallet.
15) Paul sent flowers to Jane.
16) The tiger lives in the jungle.

Nika5647 Nika5647    3   11.10.2021 09:44    27

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