Wpisz w lukę przedimek nieokreślony a/an bądź przedimek określony the lub napisz x jeżeli nie ma żadnego 'article', tak aby uzyskać poprawne gramatycznie zdanie. 1. Kate is nurse.
2. She's got job she applied for.
3. Turn off radio please.
4. Have good time.
5. Is there restaurant near here?
6. She plays tennis twice week.
7. Paul had accident yesterday.
8. town she lives is very small.
9. We were sitting on floor and reading books.
10. Warsaw is capital of Poland.
11. sun was shining and it was hot.
12. She lives in country.
13. She is most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
14. They are brave girls.
15. farmhouses in my village were rather poor.
16. He told me story of his life.
17. Those were interesting books.
18. frame of that picture is broken.
19. It was very long way to go.
20. cover of my English book is red.
21. Henry and Peter were good sportsmen.
22. last days of my stay in London were most interesting.
23. This is exception.