Work in paris. talk aboun your familes. 1. have you got any brothers or sisters? 2. what are their names? 3. are they older or younger than you? 4. what are they like? 5. have you got any grandparents? how old are they? 6/ have you got a nephew or a niece? what are they like? 7. have you got any cousins? do you often see them? , : 3

lamowitska lamowitska    3   04.07.2019 15:20    0

Nikitos220220 Nikitos220220  28.07.2020 09:23
I have a sister\brother.
Her\his name is Maria\Boris.
She\he is older\younger than me.
She\he likes to play music\to play football/
I have granparents.They are sixty-five.
I have not any nephew\niece.
I have a cousin.I often see her.
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