Why to come to the concert? * you not want
you don’t want
don’t you want
Could you tell us what time ? *
does the bank open
opens the bank
the bank opens
I don’t like jazz, but my sister . *
I really you can come to my party. *
do hope
did hope
can hope
Harry’s got a sports car. *
blue new fantastic
new blue fantastic
fantastic new blue
Could I have , please? *
the green ones
the green
the ones green
are going to become an increasingly large section of society. *
The Elderly
The old people
The elderly
I’d love to learn more about – they seem such interesting people. *
the Japan
the Japanese
We for two hours when they finally let us in *
’ve been queuing
were queuing
’d been queuing
We were at home . *
yesterday all day
all yesterday day
all day yesterday
Alan was pleased because he all his emails when it was time to finish. *
’d been answering
’d answered
These are beautiful flowers. What are they called? *
so much
Call me as the concert and I’ll come and pick you up. *
will finish
will have finished
is finishing
Take some money in case you it. *
’re needing
will need
If you blue and yellow, you get green *
will mix
are mixing
I hope I most of my work by the weekend *
’ll do
’ll have done
’ll be doing
If I tomorrow, I’d definitely come surfing with you *
didn’t work
’m not working
wasn’t working
If I feeling so tired, I’d finish painting the room now. *
’m not
wouldn’t be
Don’t you sometimes wish you work? *
wouldn’t have to
didn’t have to
If only we our swimming costumes! Lots of people were swimming in the sea. *
’d taken
would have taken
My new job involves with customer complaints. *
to deal
We managed the whole house before my parents arrived home. *
to clean
Erik promised harder and to try to get into university *
to study
After a year in the US I’ve finally driving on the left. *
used to
got used to
been used to
You spent so long in the sun. You look as if you’ve got sunburn. *
might not have
couldn’t have
shouldn’t have
I some Indian food. Shall we get a takeaway? *
feel as if
feel like
Fred gone out. His car is in the garage *
can’t have
must have
might have
These shoes aren’t stylish but they very comfortable. *
feel like
feel as if
I would never encourage night shifts. *
to work
anyone to work
I can’t believe you’re blaming me him to the party. *
of inviting
to invite
for inviting
A peaceful protest when the police broke it up with tear gas. *
was held
was being held
is being held
They won’t allow the film by anyone until its official release date. *
being seen
to be seen
be seen
I went to the Tourist Information office ask for a map *
in order
The company are expanding increase their market share. *
in order to
so that
A member of staff going to phone you shortly. *
I read the news online these days so I rarely buy *
a paper
some papers
interested the festival, so you can have the tickets. *
None is
No-one of us is
None of us are
Mark swims nor runs – he doesn’t do any exercise at all. *
I keep going too late, that’s why I’m so tired. *
to my bed
to bed
to the bed
I’m not really interested in .
the politics
a politics


bektursun bektursun    2   23.12.2020 10:55    3

Crispino Crispino  22.01.2021 10:57

Заполните пробелы волей или собираясь\n\n1. - Куда ты идешь с этой лестницей?\n\n- Я ... посмотрю на крышу; она протекает, и я думаю, что плитка поскользнулась\n\n2. - Мы купили новый гараж по частям и ... собираем его сами.\n\n- Звучит довольно интересно. Я ... приду и тебе, если хочешь.\n\n3. - Почему вы хотите, чтобы из комнаты была убрана вся мебель?\n\n- Потому что я ... мыла ковер шампунем. Это невозможно сделать, если сначала не снять с него все.\n\n4. - Вот спички: а зачем они вам?\n\n- Я развожу костер в конце сада; Я хочу сжечь эту большую кучу мусора.\n\n- Ну, осторожно. Если огонь станет слишком большим, сожгите яблони.\n\n5. - Вы определились со своей цветовой гаммой?\n\n- О да, и я купил краску. Я ... покрасил эту комнату в синий, а гостиную в зеленый.\n\n6. - Почему вы просите всех дать вам кусочки материала?\n- Потому что я ... делаю лоскутное одеяло.\n\n7. - Интересно, знает ли Энн, что время встречи было изменено.\n- Возможно нет. Я ... заглядываю домой и говорю ей. Я рада, что ты подумал об этом.\n\n8. Оставьте им записку на столе, и они ... увидят ее, когда войдут.\n\n9. - Боюсь, я не совсем готов.\n\n- Ничего. Я жду.\n\n10. - Тебе на спине столько вещей приходится таскать?\n\n- Да. Мы разбиваем лагерь и готовим себе еду, поэтому у нас есть много вещей.


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